Sunday, February 19, 2012

Buffalo Bud’s Wild West Adventure.... Part 1: The Characters

When I last left off, I told you the story of Sauk Valley Shop Small was a twisted tale of fluke, luck, blind faith and a determination to make something good happen in the community.    Well it’s also a modern day adventure story, one of trail blazing, good spirits, and a willingness to take risk; all wrapped up in the technology driven social/community revolution we see well underfoot.

If I had to liken this adventure to any particular time period, it would be to the 1800’s West.  In my nostalgic mind, that was a time of bushwhacking, brawl busting, expansion, a time when the frontier was at a precipice of change, a moment that would crystalize in history as singular.

Buffalo Bud
We live in a time like that now. Gun toting frontiers people of the past are modern day builders of code, cable and chips.  The wooden mercantiles and muddy main streets of the 1840’s are now 21st century small businesses, run by a bunch of sharp-shooting, sinewy types, cut from cloth fashioned from gut determination and passion for innovating new ways to grow business daily.  Our own modern day Annie Oakley’s and Buffalo Bill’s have set down rifles and picked up paint brushes and guitars, crafting a culture reflecting the importance of diversity and heart.

Today we are poised on top our own precipice of change.  Changes afoot are the trails being blazed by technology and specifically social media.  It’s our modern day Wild West story. 

It is in this story, I find myself in company with a most gregarious sort, a character named Bud, or Just Bud if you will.  This fun-loving, hard-working hippie showman is our own modern day Buffalo Bill.   As for me, I waffle between days such as I imagine Calamity Jane may have experienced, but most, far less spectacular. 

Tricky Nick
In our story you’ll meet four more main characters, Janna, Jay, Nick, and Court.  We happen to think Nick would make a perfect Texas Jack, a young frontier scout and actor of the mid 1800’s who in his early teens left home, made his way alone to Texas and became a cowboy.  For us, we refer to Nick as, Tricky Nick, a young entrepreneur who opened up a happening computer repair shop in Dixon.   He and his crack-shot Oakley-like Court are the two youngest small business owners in town.  

And then there’s Janna and Jay, or the Jayman as Bud like’s to call him.  Jayman is a Wild Bill Hickok-like character, a seasoned musician and local radio personality where he dispenses the daily cultural law on air.  And we must not overlook, Jayman is a lover of all good things jazz.  He’s got a hot jazz trio, Chameleon, who has lit up our evenings on more than one occasion.  And finally, our cast of six is not complete without our Janna.  Janna is a spitfire organizer who keeps us grounded even when we right-brained types tend to wander off into the bush.  As I write, I have not a western counter for Ms. J.  But as this story unfolds I’m sure you’ll help me to find a fit.

Ms. J
But as you Buffalo Bill lovers know, his show had over a thousand characters bringing the Wild West Show to life.  And so it is here too.  Our thousand are the people of the Sauk Valley region.  Friends we’ve met, artists, musicians, small business owners.  They are all various characters of the passionate sort.  In our story you’ll read of many, but know that behind each name there are a dozen more who by working together made Sauk Valley Shop Small come to life as we turn the page to begin our modern day tale of a community working together to break new ground for brighter small town future.

When we next pick up, I’ll tell the story that started it off.  There is a twisty path to get to what eventually brought about Sauk Valley Shop Small.  Before then, however, we may offer up some additional content about the shop small movement and other current topics.

Until then, be well, shop small, and be a force for cultural good in your community.